This is our local town, only a few minutes away. The local spaniards are extremely friendly towards motorcycles, you’ll be surprised by so many waving as you ride through town as you venture out on the trails.
We have a few local trails surrounding Villanueva Del Trabuco. You may be lucky enough to ride through the olive groves, up the mountain, or through the forestry passing ‘fountain of the hundred pipes’. Villanueva Del Trabuco may be a local town, but its surrounded by stunning countryside with plenty off-road trails and farm tracks available.
Villanueva Del Trabuco is where we come to dine in the evenings after your day out riding the bikes. The food is exquisite and the local beer and spanish wine are aplenty. In the evenings, the plaza is the central area where the whole town congregates to chill out and socialise. Whilst dining here, you will feel like your one of the locals.
Here are a few photographs showing you what you may experience during your off-road adventure on our dirt bike trail tours.